Diary: John James Hollister daybook April 1910

APRIL 1910
4/1 q In Santa Barbara. Saw Judge Richards. Offered Estanislaus Cordero $3000 for his claim
against will/Will?. It was accepted.
4/3 At Jennie’s met Williamson and arranged to have lumber sent to Santa Anita for the new house.
Received $3 000 from EPC. A
4/4 Put State Street property on the market for $25,000 Also Oak Park tract for $25 000. Signed
By-laws of Hollister Estate Co.
4/6 At Santa Anita. Going over ground thoroughly with Fuller. Williamson arrived on the freight
with lumber.
4/7 Left for San Francisco and then to Sacramento.
4/8 – 4/18 Spent time in Sacramento making arrangements for new house.
4/13 Cashed a check for $3000; a crew of carpenters arrived at Bulito and made camp,
4/24 Small house nearly finished at El Bulito